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Become a member at Jaego’s House by signing up below. The club is currently full but by signing up here you are automatically invited to buy membership as part of our next membership sale . We offer everyone a no strings attached, 14 day trial period. We’ll be in touch closer to the sales date with more information about purchasing your membership. You can find out more about our membership packages and benefits here.

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Nursery Terms & Conditions



A contract for the provision of nursery services by us to you will be formed between you and us once you have: 

  1. returned to us a signed, fully completed, registration form; 
  2. paid to us a non-refundable £150 registration fee; 
  3. transferred the deposit of one months’ fees to us to secure your place; and 
  4. received written confirmation from us that your application for a place has been successful. 

These terms and conditions govern the contract between you and us for the provision of nursery services. In the case of any uncertainty as to which terms apply between us, the terms stated in these terms and conditions will apply. 


The nursery welcomes children from 3 months up until 5 years of age. 

All sessions must be for a minimum of two days per week and must include either a Monday or a Friday. 


The nursery is open Monday to Friday from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm, 51 weeks a year excluding bank and public holidays and 3 inset days (staff training days) per year. 


Once a registration form has been completed and the £150 (non-refundable) registration fee has been paid, our system automatically adds you to the waiting list. A member of our team will be in touch shortly thereafter regarding an offer for a place at the nursery. Once we have contacted you to offer you a place, you have 24 hours to accept or decline the offer. If we have not heard from you within 24 hours of notification to you that a place is available, we will deem you to have declined the offer and you will be placed back on our waiting list. Please note that the place we had offered to you may no longer be available. 

Once an offer has been accepted, you then have 5 working days in which to pay the deposit of one months’ fees via bank transfer. We will send you the account details and instructions at the time of requesting this initial deposit. If this deposit has not been paid within 5 working days, your offer will be deemed declined and withdrawn, and you will be placed back on the waiting list. 


It is our aim to allow all children time for settling in so that the child can form relationships with their key person and become familiar with the nursery surroundings. On the first settling-in day, we require you to bring your ID, your child’s medical ‘red book’ and a copy of your child’s birth certificate. Please note, your child will not be able to start until we have seen a copy of their birth certificate. 

At Kensal House Nursery, we acknowledge that every child’s attachment, wider experiences and settling-in period will be individual to them. Kensal House Nursery offers a set of two free settling-in sessions. If after these settling-sessions your child requires more sessions to support with settling-in to the nursery, these will be accommodated at an additional chargeable rate. 

Day 1 – 2 hours 

On your first visit to the nursery, we invite you and your child to spend some time with your key person to discover Kensal House Nursery and ask any questions you might have. This gives the key person a chance to get to know you and your child, and for the child to familiarise themselves with their new environment. 

Day 2: 2 hours 

On your second visit to the nursery, you will be invited to accompany your child for the first 15- 30 minutes of the settling-in session and, all being well, you will then be encouraged to leave your child with their key person for the remainder of the session. 


Staff will occasionally take the children for walks or visits off premises during their session, in accordance with statutory staffing requirements. Parental consent will be required for any off premises outings or visits. The general consent form is contained within the admission form but any visits beyond 


To ensure the safety and wellbeing of all children who attend our nursery we enforce a no personal mobile phone/tablet usage policy, which includes the prohibition of taking of any photographs, videos or other recordings within our nursery. 

Should you be on your personal mobile phone as you arrive at the nursery we ask that you conclude your phone call before entering the premises. Please note our staff will make use of tablets but shall do so strictly in accordance with our internal guidelines. 


We are an equal opportunities organisation which makes decisions without regard to race, colour, sex, religion, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, marital status or sex status, or any other factor protected by law. 

As part of our commitment to equal opportunities, we have a zero-tolerance approach to any forms of discrimination. Should any parents be found to be discriminating on the basis of race, colour, sex, religion, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, marital or sex status, or any other factors protected by law, we reserve the right to immediately terminate the contract between us. 


If during this childcare contract and for a period of 6 months after the termination of this contract, you (directly or indirectly) employ or otherwise engage the services of any member of our staff who has had contact with your child, then you will be liable to pay a fee of £2,000.00 as a payment to us for recruiting and training a suitable replacement. 



Any child who attends nursery and has an accident or falls ill whilst in our care will be given basic first aid treatment by the staff. This will include the treatment of minor cuts, bumps, or bruises. 

Any emergency treatment or medical advice will be permitted unless a parent states in writing otherwise. 

In the case of a more serious accident or incident, a child may be taken by ambulance immediately to the nearest hospital, and parents will be informed as soon as it is reasonably practicable to do so. Should we be unable to contact you, we shall be authorised to make decisions on your behalf should consent be required for urgent treatment recommended by a doctor (including anaesthetic or operation, or blood transfusion) unless you have previously notified us that you object to us having such consent. Senior staff reserve the right to accompany the child to hospital in an emergency. 


All parents will be informed via Famly’s notification of any accident or incident affecting their child. 


Children must not attend the nursery when they are unwell (physically or mentally) or suffering from a contagious illness or infection. Further detail of our isolation periods are outlined in our infection control policy which is available from the nursery. In the event of a child becoming ill whilst at the nursery, the parent or nominated carer will be immediately contacted to arrange to take their child home. 

Kensal House Nursery will make every effort to contact and inform parents/ carers should their child become ill at the nursery. 


For the benefit of everyone in the nursery, you must not allow your child to attend the nursery if they are suffering from an infectious or contagious disease. 

The nursery reserves the right to refuse to accept the attendance of children until the nursery is satisfied they are not infectious or contagious. This is to protect other children from cross-infection. We defer to the Department of Health and the Department of Education’s guidelines on school exclusions for clarity with regards to contagious illnesses. Parental refusal to collect their child who is unwell may result in concerns regarding their wellbeing which will trigger local authority advice that will be followed. 

Please note minimum exclusion periods apply and must be adhered to. Our policy and guidelines are available in hard copy at the Kensal House Nursery reception and will be accessible on Famly. 


If your child is suffering from a doubtful rash, sore throat, cough, discharge from the eyes, nose, or any similar symptoms please keep your child at home until symptoms have disappeared. 


You must inform us immediately if your child is suffering with an allergy or intolerance. It is the responsibility of the parent to inform the nursery of any food, medicine, activity or any other circumstances that may cause their child to have an allergic reaction / allergy. You must provide details, in writing, of the severity of the reaction / allergy and must continue to inform the nursery of any changes to the condition when you become aware. 


If your child is prescribed antibiotics or other medications, please keep them at home for at least 24 hours after the first dosage has been given in case of any adverse reaction to the medication. Antibiotics and medicines will only be administered by nursery staff after the child has been taking them for more than 24 hours at home, and only then with written authorisation from their parent. 

A doctor must prescribe all antibiotics. 



This policy is designed in accordance with government and NHS guidance to ensure that a safe, hygienic, and healthy environment is maintained at Kensal House Nursery. 

The nursery recognises that infections can spread quickly amongst children in a childcare environment. Therefore, we endeavour to ensure that infections are controlled, and good health and hygiene practices are maintained. 


It is the responsibility of the whole nursery community including leadership, team, and families to ensure the spread of infection is limited as much as possible; this is controlled through: 

  • Vigilant hygiene practices; 
  • Recommending that children who are unwell remain at home to rest and recover; 
  • Adherence to the recommended exclusion periods as informed by the Department of Health and the Department of Education guidelines, for children and team members including:
    • Excluding attendance from the onset of sickness/diarrhoea and then for at least 48-hours after symptoms have stopped and the child or team member are well enough to return.
    • Excluding attendance from the onset of a fever (temperature of 38c or higher), until the child or team member is well and can maintain a normal temperature without the aid of Calpol or alternatives. 

Guidance that we refer to: 



You must inform us immediately if you or your child is the subject of a court order and provide us with a copy of such order on request. 

Any child who attends the nursery, irrespective of their racial origin, gender, physical or mental impairment, class, religion, ethnicity, or cultural background has a right to protection from neglect, physical, sexual, or any other abuse and it is our priority to keep children safe from harm whilst in our care. 

Kensal House Nursery has a full written policy on Safeguarding & Child Protection which is available on Famly and at the nursery reception. 


It is our obligation to seek professional advice or action from the local social services team if we suspect a child is suffering from harm or neglect. We have an obligation to report any instances where we consider that a child may have been neglected or abused to the relevant authorities and we may do so without your consent and/or without informing you. 


Children should be dropped-off at the nursery by parents/carers and handed over to the care of a nursery staff member at the nursery who will register your child into the attendance online register, Famly. 


If a child is to be collected by someone other than those named on the registration form, then the correct procedure must be followed for us to identify the nominated collector. Parents must inform the nursery immediately if they are unable to collect their child from nursery by the official collection time, otherwise children will not be released. Parents must authorise the nominated person either personally, or by telephone, or in writing and the authorisation must be produced to us. 

Parents/carers must inform Kensal House Nursery of the name of the person collecting the child and agree a PASSWORD that is to be given at collection time. 

If we are not reasonably satisfied that an individual is allowed to collect your child, we will not release your child into their care. 

The person collecting your child must be an adult over 18 years of age. 

If a child is to be collected regularly by someone other than the parent/carer then we encourage you to introduce them to us in person, at the nursery. 

A late fee of £1.00 per minute will be charged and added to your next monthly invoice for any child collected after closing time. Should no adult arrive to collect a child, a member of staff will use all reasonable endeavours to contact the parents or emergency contact of the child. If the staff member is unable to contact either a parent or an emergency contact within 1 hour from the collection time, that staff member will contact Social Services. 


Kensal House Nursery has a written policy on behaviour management, which will be available on Famly and at the nursery reception. The use of any form of physical punishment, verbal humiliation, or aggressive handling of a child is not tolerated at the nursery. 

We reserve the right to terminate a child’s place if it becomes clear that the actions of the child either pose a threat to the safety of other children or are such that they give rise to serious safeguarding concerns either for themselves or for other children at the nursery. This would arise following detailed evaluation and consultation with the parents and other professionals involved in the child’s care. We reserve the right to make the final decision and any such decision may not be challenged or disputed. 



Kensal House Nursery does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage of personal property brought on to the premises by children or parents/carers. 


Parents are requested to send children to the nursery in easily washable, clearly labelled clothing that is appropriate to the weather conditions. Please discourage your child from bringing items of value to the nursery. Please provide a spare set of clothing for your child in case of an accident or if your child is potty training. 



Fresh drinking water is available to all children throughout the day. 

Older children will be encouraged to help themselves to water as this promotes independence and self-help skills. For younger children, water in either beakers or cups (depending on their age and development), will be available within their reach and offered throughout the day. This will be alongside designated snack and mealtimes. 

All children will be encouraged by the staff to drink water throughout the day as part of our commitment to offering healthy food and drink options. 

Meals & Snacks 

Children will be provided with drinks and snacks at regular morning and afternoon snack times along with three nutritious, balanced meals daily. Menus will be displayed on the parent’s display board and on Famly. These include age and stage applicable meals. We will use our best endeavours to ensure special dietary requirements are catered for. These must be highlighted when filling in the registration form. 


As the number of children with nut allergies is increasing, we aim, with parental support, to endeavour to keep the nursery NUT FREE. All food at the nursery is supplied by Lune + Wild who have specially designed menus which do not currently include celery, lupin, molluscs, tree nut, peanut, sesame, soybean, crustaceans, sulphur or mustard. However, Lune + Wild’s kitchen does currently handle wheat, cereals which contain gluten, almond and tree nuts, peanuts, eggs, sesame, celery, fish and milk. Lune + Wild manage the risk of cross-contamination through rigorous cleaning routines which includes test to release protein and allergen swabs for surface and equipment supplied by experts in food safety in manufacturing, Neogen. 

In addition, milk, wheat, cereals containing gluten and fish will be on the menu at the nursery for those children who have been declared to not have a known allergy to these ingredients – this is in order to provide a rich and varied diet to the children and limit restrictions of nutrient rich food groups. 

It is the responsibility of the parents to inform the nursery immediately upon becoming aware of their child suffering from any nut or other food allergy. Should a parent require further information on Lune + Wild’s allergen policy, including details of the rigorous cross-contamination prevention protocols used, please speak to a member of the nursery staff. 

It is prohibited for children to attend the nursery with food or empty food packaging materials as these could pose a risk to other children at the nursery. You are also requested not to use creams, sun creams, oils etc on your child that may contain nut oil e.g. Arachis – this may cause a severe reaction in another child or member of staff. 



We charge a non-refundable registration fee of £150.00 to reserve your childcare place. A security deposit (equal to one of your child’s monthly nursery fee) will also be payable when you are notified that a place has become available for your child. This must be paid within 5 working days of notice by the nursery to you that a place has become available, via bank transfer pursuant to the instructions we will send you at the time. 

This deposit will be refunded and deducted from your last invoice when your child leaves the nursery, and if any outstanding payments are owed to the nursery at this point, these will also be deducted from the deposit. 


We will return your deposit to you if you cancel more than 3 months prior to your agreed confirmed start date. 

We ask you to inform us as soon as possible should you wish to cancel a confirmed place at the nursery. Any cancellation received less than 3 months prior to the agreed start date will result in us being unable to refund your deposit to you. 


Once a start date has been agreed, it indicates that the place has now been secured and reserved for you. As it is an agreed start date, you will be unable to change the start date to a later one unless 8 weeks’ notice is given, in writing, prior to the original agreed start date. If we agree with you a new start date and you then wish to cancel your place, we will be unable to refund your deposit to you. 


Fees are calculated on a 52-week booking pattern. Although the nursery is closed on bank and public holidays and the Christmas week, fees will still be applicable. The current schedule of fees will be available online on Famly. 

Kensal House Nursery reserves the right to review the fees on a regular basis. In the event of there being changes to the fees, not less than 4 weeks written notice shall be given of the new fees applicable. 


Other than instances where we are in breach of these terms and conditions, all sessions must be paid for regardless of whether your child attends the nursery. No refunds will be given for sessions missed due to sickness, family holidays, or times when the nursery is closed such as for inset days, staff training, bank and public holidays or the Christmas week. This is because your child’s place is kept open during these periods and staff and other costs continue to accumulate. 

Fees are due in advance for the month ahead and are to be paid by Direct Debit. All invoices are issued approximately three working days prior to the 1st of the month via Famly Pay. Other than in instances where invoices are settled via tax-free childcare, all invoices will be paid automatically via Direct Debit. The Direct Debit will be setup via Famly Pay – when you register with Famly for the first time after confirming your child’s place, you will be instructed to setup your Direct Debit directly through the app. 

Other than tax-free childcare and Direct Debit, we do not accept any other forms of payment including cash, credit or debit card, cheques, standing orders or direct bank transfers. 

Any failure to pay invoices by their due date will result in the termination of your nursery place. For the avoidance of doubt, it is your responsibility to ensure you setup your Direct Debit on the Famly App through Famly Pay and to further ensure there are sufficient funds in your nominated bank account on or prior to the date when payments are due to be paid. Any failure to setup the Direct Debit, or to ensure there are sufficient funds for the Direct Debit payment to be processed without cline, will result in the termination of your nursery place. 


We accept payment from most voucher companies in the UK who will pay the nursery directly. Please enquire with the manager about childcare voucher payments. 


You will pay all fees that you owe under these Terms & Conditions without any set-off, counterclaim, deduction or withholding of any kind, except when it may be required by law. 


Without restricting any other legal rights that we may have, if payment is not received by the date it is due we reserve the right to: 

  1. charge interest at a rate of 4% per annum above the current base rate of the Bank of England from the date the sum became due to the date it is paid in full, whether before or after judgment; 
  2. charge you any administrative and other costs incurred in recovering any unpaid sums including legal costs and disbursements on a full indemnity basis; 
  3. suspend all services until such time as payment has been made in full, which include the suspension of your child from attending the nursery and/or the cancellation of the agreement between us. 

Without restricting any other legal rights that we may have, if payment is not received by the date it is due we reserve the right to: 

In the event either party terminates the agreement with the other for any reason other than termination with the required notice in accordance with these terms and conditions, all outstanding monies will immediately become due and owing. We will issue you with a final invoice which must be paid within one week of the date of termination or cancellation of your contract with us. 


If you no longer wish to maintain your child’s place at the nursery you will be required to give not less than 2 months’ notice in writing (including by email) to the Nursery Manager. 

Fees will continue to be payable until cancellation of your childcare contract (whether or not your child continues to attend the nursery). 

The security deposit may not be refundable if you withdraw your registration ahead of your child’s agreed start date (see above). 

If you decide to remove your child from the nursery, a re-registration fee of £150.00 is payable if you decide to return. 


Nothing in these conditions shall exclude or limit liability for fraud, death or personal injury caused by negligence of the nursery, employees or agents or to the extent not permitted by law. 

We accept no responsibility for any loss suffered by you arising directly or indirectly, as a result of the nursery being temporarily closed or the non-admittance of your child to the nursery for any reason (including absence due to sickness, family holidays, bank or public holidays, or any other days when the nursery is closed). We accept no responsibility for children whilst in their parents’ care on nursery premises. 

Subject to other provisions of this clause, we will not be liable to parents, guardians and/or children for any loss or damage of any kind (including financial loss) which is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious it will happen or, if at the time of entering into these terms and conditions, both we and you knew it might happen, for example if this was explicitly discussed with us before signing these terms and conditions. 

We will make reasonable endeavours to ensure that any property belonging to parents or guardians, or children, is not lost or damaged. In the case of liability for loss of or damage to property, we will only be responsible if we have failed to use our reasonable care and skill and you have followed all applicable policies and procedures. 

We will not refund any fees to you, or be in breach of these terms and conditions or otherwise liable to you by reason of any delay in performance or non-performance of our obligations due to any unforeseen circumstances or events. 

Neither Kensal House Nursery Limited, nor any of its holding or subsidiary companies (or any members of their staff or agents) will be liable for any acts or omission, loss, injury, damage, expense or delay incurred or suffered by you when you enter into a privately arranged babysitting agreement or arrangement with an affiliate or member of Kensal House Nursery’s staff. All privately arranged babysitting agreements or arrangements are outside of the scope of your child’s enrolment at Kensal House Nursery. Kensal House Nursery should not be considered a party to such agreements and the provisions of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 will not apply. 


All sessions are set sessions. Further details of these, supplemented by the Fees Schedule, can be obtained from the nursery, or viewed online. 

Set sessions are permanently booked by you. You are required to give us two full calendar months’ notice in writing if you wish to either increase or decrease the number of sessions. Please note that reducing sessions may mean jeopardising your ability to increase sessions in the future as another family may take up the residual space that your vacancy allows for. 

We will not allow you to give notice that you wish to increase the number of sessions for your child if, at the time of such notice, you have previously provided us notice to decrease sessions. 

In other words, if at any time there is a pending change to the number of sessions (either an increase or a decrease), you will not be allowed to provide notice to make further amendments until the initial amendment has taken effect. 

All sessions must be for a minimum of two days per week and they must include a Monday or a Friday. 


As our sessions are prebooked at registration, swap days are not available. 


Kensal House Nursery allows parents to book additional days, subject to available space. If you book extra sessions but do not use them, then they are not refundable or transferable unless approved in writing by the Nursery Manager due to exceptional circumstances. 

Please speak to the Nursery Manager, or alternatively you can email at: 


Where there is more than one child from the same family attending the nursery a discount of 5% will be applied for the second child. 

We reserve the right at any time to withdraw these discount offers, and in the event of any breach by you of the terms of these conditions, such discount shall automatically be withdrawn. 


In cases of disruption to service, Kenal House Nursery will do everything in its power to operate the services it provides where it is safe to do so. However, severe disruptions may require the closure of either the entire nursery, certain rooms in the nursery, or a reduction in service. These disruptions might either effect all children, or specific children in certain rooms. In such cases of disruption, fees remain payable during any period of closure. Examples of events which might cause unforeseen closure are, but shall not be limited to, extreme weather (including snow and ice), fire, flooding, loss of utility supplies, heating failure, pandemic, strike, disruption to highways or public transport, industrial action, and any other causes beyond the reasonable control of the nursery. 

In the event Kensal House Nursery has business interruption insurance which will cover all costs associated with an unforeseen closure, we may refund you the fees for the time nursery is closed. This is contingent on us being able to recover such monies from our insurance company and we are under no obligation to return such fees to you unless and until such time as any claim made against our insurers is settled in full. 


Fees also cover three days per year for inset days where your child will not attend the nursery (for example staff training, assessment reports, audits, etc.) Please note, the days of the week used for inset days may be changed so each inset day may occur on different days of the week. 


Funded childcare is available for all 3-year-old children from the term AFTER the child’s 3rd birthday: 

  • 15 hours of free childcare is available for ALL children the term after their 3rd birthday, however they must attend Kensal House Nursery for a minimum of 3 days per week; 
  • 30 hours of free childcare is available, however both parents must be working more than 16 hours a week and earning no more than £100,000 each. We have a limited number of 30 hour childcare spaces available. 

In order to claim 30 hour childcare funding, your child must attend Kensal House Nursery, full time- 5 days per week. We are unable to offer 30 hour funding if your child attends nursery less than 5 days. Please note that if your child attends nursery less than 5 days and is eligible for 30 hours funding, they will no longer be entitled to the full time package discount. 

Government funding covers 38 weeks of the year (term time only). Kensal House Nursery will split the funding evenly across the 52 weeks that we are open. 

Funded childcare hours 15 hrs funding: 11 hours per week 

Funded childcare hours 30 hrs funding: 22 hours per week 

*Terms and Conditions are applied, please discuss with the Nursery management team for more information. Government funding and Kensal House Nursery’s consumable charge may be reviewed and is subject to change. Government Funding sessions are limited and subject to availability. 

A consumable charge is applied to Government-funded Free Hours: 

  • Consumable charge of £25.74 per week (based on 11 hours of funding) 
  • Consumable charge of £51.48 per week (based on 22 hours of funding) 

All figures provided here are correct as at the time of writing but remain subject to any government changes which may be introduced. 


In addition to the other termination rights mentioned in these terms and conditions, we shall be entitled to terminate your childcare contract and your childcare place with immediate effect for any breach of your childcare contract unless such breach, if capable of remedy, is remedied to our entire satisfaction within such period as we may in our absolute discretion require. 

We reserve the right to terminate your nursery place for any breach of the childcare contract. 


We ensure that any photographs or recordings taken of your children in our nursery are only done with prior written permission from each child’s parent. This is gained when each child is registered and agrees with these Kensal House Nursery Terms & Conditions. 

Throughout the nursery, staff members are urged to take photographs and record videos for a variety of purposes such as: 


In line with the current GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), we will only use your personal information in relation to our childcare service. We would like to keep sending you information about our nursery by email/ Famly/phone/other (as applicable), but we need to be sure we have your permission to do so. 

We keep your information so you can receive important updates about our nursery. We will keep your information secure and will never share it except if required to do so by law. 

You can of course unsubscribe/ask us not to contact you by email/phone/Famly at any time. 

By signing these terms and conditions, you are consenting to us holding and processing your data and sending you information. 


At Kensal House Nursery we place great value on working in partnership with our parents and other carers. It is part of what makes us special, and we believe it is essential for the well-being and development of all our children. 


Kensal House Nursery encourages and values all parents’ comments. We appreciate and listen to feedback. If things are going well, we love to hear about it – everyone likes getting compliments! 


If any parent should have cause for complaint regarding the care or education provided by the nursery, they should in the first instance, speak to their child’s Key Person, the Room Leader, or the member of staff concerned. They are usually best placed to deal with issues promptly and will do their very best to respond to any concerns to your satisfaction. All discussions will be treated confidentially. 

If you are not happy with the response provided or prefer not to approach them directly, please speak to the Nursery Manager or manager on duty who will try to resolve the problem. 

All complaints made to the nursery will be recorded in detail on a complaints logbook. 

Domesticated animals on site 

Kensal House Nursery do not allow domesticated animals within the Kensal House Nursery Premises other than registered and approved assistance dogs supporting someone with a disability. Any dogs must not enter the nursery but may be allowed inside the carpark area providing they are on a lead and accompanied by its owner. Under no circumstances should dogs be left outside the nursery building unattended including if tied to a railing. 

Any animals permitted on site due to contributing to learning and development of children will be risk assessed and approved prior to the visit. 

Changes to these Terms and Conditions 

Kensal House Nursery reserves the right to change the Terms & Conditions as and when the need arises. One months’ notice will be given in writing regarding any changes. No changes will be made to your cancellation rights which will remain available to you following any change to these Terms & Conditions. 



Any notice or other communication given by Kensal House Nursery under these Terms & Conditions will be in writing and in English, signed by an authorised person and will be sent either by post or by email. 

Notice are deemed received if sent by post at 9.00am on the second business day after posting and if sent by email, at the time of sending providing such time is during business hours, and if not, at 9.00am the following business day. 


If any provision of these terms & conditions (or part of any provision) is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the legality, validity and enforceability of any other provisions of these terms & conditions will not be affected. If any provision of these terms & conditions (or part of any provision) is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable but would be legal, valid and enforceable if some part of it was deleted or modified, then the provision or part-provision in question will apply with such deletions or modifications as necessary to make it legal, valid and enforceable. 


A failure by Kensal House Nursery to exercise or enforce any rights granted by these Terms & Conditions will not be interpreted or considered to be a waiver of any such right nor operate so as to prohibit the exercise or enforcement of such right or of any other right on any occasion. 


These Terms & Conditions and any policies mentioned or alludes to in these Terms & Conditions constitutes the entire agreement between us and replaces all previous agreements, understanding and arrangements between us, whether in writing or oral. 

You acknowledge that you have not agreed to these Terms & Conditions, and the subsequent agreement constituted by them between us, in reliance on any representation or warranty that is not expressly set out in these Terms & Conditions. 

You will not have any claim for innocent or negligent misrepresentation on the basis of any statement in these Terms & Conditions. 


A person who is not a party to these Terms & Conditions and the subsequent agreement constituted by them between us will not have any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any of the provisions of these Terms & Conditions. 


These Terms & Conditions and any dispute or claim arising out of, or in connection with it, its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) will be governed and interpreted by the laws of England. You and Kensal House Nursery irrevocably agree that the courts of England and Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) under these Terms & Conditions. 

The current terms and conditions will be accessible on Famly and at the nursery reception. 


You must immediately inform us of any changes to your registration details. 
